“Seasons of Hills & Dales” Launched

Our new 4k orientation film entitled “Seasons of Hills & Dales” debuted on April 2, 2019. It replaced the original that had been shown since we opened to the public in 2004.  According to Carleton Wood, Executive Director; “We are really excited to have this new film. In the years since our first one was produced, there have been significant technological advances so it was time to refresh. We are particularly pleased this new piece was produced with the highest resolution possible. It really is like going to the theatre.”

“Seasons” was produced by Mad Hat Creative from Atlanta. Eighteen months in the making, it features footage from all four seasons and includes many unique and artistic angles, including night scenes, time-lapse photography and amazing historical imagery. Another special feature is the inclusion of Alice Hand Callaway. “Fortunately we were able to locate a 1994 movie of Mrs. Callaway talking about the story of the garden. Having her in the updated video adds so much authenticity,” said Christy Gresley, Communications Manager.

So, if you haven’t visited the estate recently, stop by and watch the new film. It will give you a whole new perspective on the Callaway story.

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