The Maze


Near the end of Magnolia Walk, before you get to the Bird Gate, there is a statue/birdbath left (or north) of the main path surrounded by eight beds that form a circle. This area is thought to be where Mrs. Ferrell’s boxwood maze was planted, and so it is frequently referred to as “The Maze” even now. It is an area that underwent a re-design based on Neel Reid’s design recommendations for the garden after Fuller Sr. and Ida acquired the property. The design is the same today, although it was renovated in 2013 with new boxwood outlining the beds. The statue is of St. Fiacre, the patron saint of gardening, and was added by Alice Callaway.

In this snippet of Alice Hand Callaway’s recorded 1994 interview, she tells the story of when Uncle Pope got stuck in the original Maze.


Horticultural Specimens


  • Camellia (Camellia japonica) growing in beds to the right (south) of the main path on the 5th terrace. Bloom winter to early spring. Planted by Alice Callaway.
  • ‘Bluebird’ hydrangea (Hydrangea serrata ‘Bluebird’) planted in beds flanking the statue of St. Fiacre.
  • ‘Texas Pink’ tall garden phlox (Phlox paniculata ‘Texas Pink’) featured in each of the eight beds that encircle St. Fiacre.

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